by Lee Forkenbrock | Feb 14, 2012 | CakePHP Development
The Twitter Bootstrap css library is a great starting point for putting together nice looking web apps. We’ve found it very useful for building wireframes quickly. Giving clients something they can actually use and click on in a web browser is wonderful. The...
by Donatas Kairys | Oct 26, 2009 | CakePHP Development
We started working on Socnet plugin that will allow your cake apps to be easily integrated with most social network sites. For now, we coded and released FacebookAuth component, which will allows to specify which actions require facebook authentication and redirects...
by Donatas Kairys | Sep 14, 2009 | CakePHP Development
The goal of every programmer is to write as little code as possible. It can only be achieved by re-using code that you already wrote. That is why we all use CakePHP in the first place right? Fortunately, cake allows us to create plug-ins that we could just drop in...
by Lee Forkenbrock | Mar 19, 2008 | CakePHP Development
Loadsys creates a lot of larger web applications for clients that have many user types with many privileges. The ACL tables out of the box, ACOS and AROS, do not contain indexes except for the PRIMARY KEY on id. Since the ACL uses Binary Search Trees, a lot of...
by Lee Forkenbrock | Mar 10, 2008 | CakePHP Development
There is little web developers can do to get high rankings in search engines because most rankings are because of backlinks to your site, however we can better the possibility by utilizing fundamental rules that make more pages of your website indexed. A very popular...