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Privacy Policy

Loadsys Consulting, Inc. (“LOADSYS”) remains committed to maintaining the privacy of nonpublic personal information that our Customers provide to us. Of course, we must conform to all applicable laws intended to protect such data. This Privacy Statement describes how we may use the nonpublic personal information that our customers provide to us concerning themselves (“Customer Information”) as well as their clients’ nonpublic personal information (“Client Information”). Furthermore, this Privacy Statement explains our use and treatment of Non-Identifiable Information obtained from you. LOADSYS reserves the right to modify this Privacy Statement.

Non-Identifiable Information Obtained From Customer or Client Information

As described in LOADSYS’ Privacy Statement (as amended occasionally), LOADSYS may obtain copies of or gain access to Customer and Client Information through various means and opportunities. LOADSYS may compile, extract, or modify this data such that the source of the Customer Information or Client Information cannot be identified, thus rendering it as “Non-Identifiable Data.” To the extent allowed by law and the Privacy Statement (as amended from time to time), LOADSYS may use Non-Identifiable Data: (a) for internal purposes (e.g., improving its products and services) and/or (b) to create statistical or benchmarking data to share internally and with its customers base, prospect base, and third parties. Use of Customer Information or Client Information to develop Non-Identifiable Data shall be royalty-free, and LOADSYS shall own all rights, titles, and interests in the compiled Non-Identifiable Data.

Customer Information

1. LOADSYS will only use Customer Information that is not converted to Non-Identifiable Data to the extent needed to deliver customer service and administer our business.
2. LOADSYS will only use Non-Identifiable Data to the extent stated above.
3. LOADSYS may share information about you to a third party if necessary to fulfill contractual commitments we have to you.
4. If you request that LOADSYS assist you, and LOADSYS utilizes third parties to fulfill such request(s), you are authorizing LOADSYS to release any information to such third parties that LOADSYS believes is necessary to satisfy your request(s).
5. LOADSYS requires persons or third parties who provide services on our behalf to keep Customer Information confidential and to use it only to provide the services we have asked them to perform.
6. LOADSYS will use reasonable security measures to maintain Customer Information’s confidentiality.

Client Information

1. Only LOADSYS’ authorized employees and third parties who are bound in writing to protect the confidentiality of our Customer Information will be permitted to have access to your Client Information.
2. In the event LOADSYS shares Client Information with any third parties, those third parties will be obligated to protect the confidentiality of the Client Information, which may only be used by those third parties to the extent necessary for that third party to perform the services requested by LOADSYS.
3. LOADSYS does not sell or give away Client Information, except to the extent it has been rendered Non-Identifiable Data.
4. LOADSYS will use reasonable security measures required by state and/or federal law (to the extent it is applicable to LOADSYS: (1) to insure the security and confidentiality of Client Information; (2) to protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such Client Information; and (3) to protect against unauthorized access to or use of such Client Information that could result in substantial harm to any client.

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