Introduction to CakePHP 3

CakePHP 3.0 is currently in the second Beta, so today we will go over the goals of CakePHP 3.0, some of the major changes and how you should start using it. Goals of CakePHP 3 What are the goals of CakePHP 3? This is actually the easiest question to answer. The Cake...

Should your new CakePHP feature be a Plugin?

If you are working with a CakePHP application and you're about to add a new "feature," you may be considering making it a Plugin. There are a lot of benefits to Cake plugins, including containing the feature all in one place and making it reusable between projects....

CakePHP 1.3 and Forward-Compatible Unit Tests

If you want to write unit tests against a 1.3 CakePHP application (and you should want to write unit tests), using this TestCase class and Mockery will let you use forward-compatible PHPUnit-style assertions by temporarily translating them to SimpleTest assertions....

CakePHP Ember Skeleton

The landscape of web application development is constantly changing. New technologies pop up all around, and "definition" of a modern web application becomes more and more complex. Ember.js is one of these new technologies. It is a rich front end application framework...

CakePHP 2.0 and Twitter Bootstrap

The Twitter Bootstrap css library is a great starting point for putting together nice looking web apps. We've found it very useful for building wireframes quickly. Giving clients something they can actually use and click on in a web browser is wonderful. The bootstrap...

CakePHP Metadata Plugin

The metadata plugin simplifies the setting of HTML page meta data. Web site meta tags are often the same for every page, but a few could vary between requests. The purpose of the metadata plugin is to eliminate view or layout logic for setting meta tags data. It is...

CakePHP JSON API Plugin (Code Release)

Loadsys has released a CakePHP plugin to aid in the creation of JSON APIs. This plug-in contains a few helpful classes for both the API side and a CakePHP JSON API consumer. This post will cover one of the pieces from that plug-in called the Server Response Component....

Loadsys to Give Away Tech Books Twice a Month

We have decided to start pushing education and different technologies by giving away educational material on every 1st and 15th of the month.  There is no catch, but be sure to read the directions below on how to enter. Book topics that will be included in the...

Loadsys to sponsor CakeFest 2010!

Hello fellow bakers!  Our team at Loadsys is proud to announce our sponsorship of the 2010 CakePHP CakeFest conference in our home town of Chicago, IL USA.  We are excited to both attend and contribute to the conference this year.  The last conference our team...

CakePHP Social Networking Plugin

We started working on Socnet plugin that will allow your cake apps to be easily integrated with most social network sites. For now, we coded and released FacebookAuth component, which will allows to specify which actions require facebook authentication and redirects...

CakePHP Comment Plugin

The goal of every programmer is to write as little code as possible.  It can only be achieved by re-using code that you already wrote.  That is why we all use CakePHP in the first place right?  Fortunately, cake allows us to create plug-ins that we could just drop in...

CakePHP RSS Feed Datasource

We are releasing our RSS datasource to CakePHP developers for CakePHP Development.  We know there are others out there, but what we like about ours is that it supports the following: Built-in Pagination Sorting Content filtering Download rss_source.php here Steps to...

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8745 W. Higgins Road Suite 110
Chicago, IL 60631

+1 708 873 1750